About Us

Words of Hope isn’t just a devotional ministry, and it’s not just a missions agency either! As you connect daily to the truths of Scripture with Words of Hope, you will also grow in your appreciation of and care for the global church. Resources you donate to the ministry will go directly to providing access to Scripture for people living around the world. Their stories of conversion, faith, and discipleship will encourage your own faith walk, and the global church will be built near and far!

The Mission

The mission of Words of Hope is to provide people both near and far with daily access to God’s Word. 

What We Believe

At Words of Hope, we believe that Jesus Christ is the hope of the world. We believe that the Bible reveals God’s truth. We believe that God commissions us to make disciples of all nations. We affirm the Apostles’ Creed.

You Grow

Daily prayer and Bible reading will change your life. Words of Hope provides free daily devotional resources to help you stay connected to God’s truth!

You Share

You can change someone else’s life too. We work in communities around the world to share the good news of Jesus. Your prayers and donations send the hope of Jesus to people who may have never heard the truths of the gospel in their own language before!

God Multiplies

Words of Hope partners with emerging Christian leaders around the world. When you join in our ministry efforts, you are connecting to a global network of indigenous pastors, teachers, and prayer warriors who are learning and growing in faith together with you. Your donations are invested in building up local leadership for a sustainable future.

Words of Hope Ambassador Program

Ambassadors are the volunteer force behind Words of Hope, connecting their local communities to Words of Hope’s global mission throughout the United States and Canada. Words of Hope Ambassadors have an informed and enthusiastic commitment to world evangelization and particularly to the ministry of Words of Hope. By connecting with our field leaders around the world, you are directly supporting the global church.