Free Advent Activities Calendar
Count down to Christmas with purpose.
Every year, Rev. Lou Lotz and his wife would make an Advent activity calendar for their kids, to help them wait well for Christmas. This year, he has made one for you! Over the month of December, we offer a Bible reading and short activity for each day—acts of service, crafts, fun, and reflection. Many are common December activities, but we invite you to do each activity intentionally, filling your life and others with the joy of our Savior. Sign up today!
Sign up now for your free Advent printables!
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Free Printables!
Download and print crafts and activities for all ages: Christmas cards, coloring pages, ornaments, and more!
Print countdown cards at home or order 4×4 photo prints online through a printer like Walgreens, Shutterfly, or Snapfish.
A one-page Advent calendar to following along with the daily devotionals and activities.
About the Author

Rev. Lou Lotz
Lou Lotz is a retired Reformed Church pastor. Lou and his wife, Mary, live in Hudsonville, Michigan. Click here to read other devotionals by this author.