Character Reflection

Read: 1 John 3:1-10

No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him. (v. 6)

In a healthy family, the connection between its members is love. Children receive love from their parents. They learn how to show it from the model they are given, and then in turn they apply that lesson by sharing love with their siblings and friends.

The beautiful image of God’s love is revealed in what he calls us—his children (v. 1). In this love, we are not called just to understand it, but to see and experience it. And while we are God’s children, we abide in Christ (v. 6) just like a branch in the vine, sprouting out all the light, life, grace, holiness, wisdom, joy, encouragement, patience, peace, strength and comfort from Christ.

By truly abiding in him, being rooted and grounded in him, we obey. We respect his truths and commandments, receive his rest, put our confidence in him, and persevere through him to not keep on sinning. Not because we have no sin, but because we are gradually being sanctified; and the fact that sin bothers us is a sign that God is working in us.

The Bible describes us as children of the light (2 Cor. 6:14-15) and as such let us walk in the strength of our heavenly Father by reflecting the character of Christ in our everyday life.

As you pray, ask God to give you wisdom and strength that your knowledge of Christ is not just in words but also in deeds.

About the Author

Silvana Tafa

Silvana Tafa finished her studies on French language and Literature in Lausanne, Switzerland. After she returned to Albania, she served with a local church alongside her husband. Now she gives private French lessons and takes care of her three sons in Tirana, Albania. Silvana loves nature, traveling, discovering new things, reading and writing.

These devotionals were first published in Fjalet e Shpreses, Words of Hope’s Albanian devotional. Learn more about Words of Hope Albania, and our work in training and equipping local Christian leaders to write and share the Word of God.

This entry is part 18 of 20 in the series Living As Disciples