Read: John 15:1-10
As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. (v. 4)
One of my childhood memories is the time spent at my grandparents’ house in the village. They owned a vineyard. My curiosity as a child was increased by their care for it—the way they pruned the dry branches without affecting the fresh ones, the way they watered the plants without rotting the roots. It took hard and tedious work for a successful harvest.
In today’s reading, Jesus presents himself to us as the vine and his Father as the vinedresser (v. 1), and then he commands us to abide in him (v. 4). Jesus is the main and true provider of our Christian life. Just as a branch cannot stand without the vine, so we cannot stand without Christ, in whom we have life eternal through believing in him.
There is no life without Christ—without Christ, we are just dried up branches thrown in the fire (v. 6). But God’s loving kindness is patient and gracious for every person that seeks God wholeheartedly. Just like the vinedresser, he cares by lovingly cleaning and pruning our lives so that we are fruitful. Abiding in Christ is a constant action, the outcome of a personal relationship with him, allowing his Word to clean us (v. 3) and to build and change our lives through the renewal of our minds (Rom. 12:2), the leading of our steps (Prov. 3:6), and by filling us with God’s love (2 Thess. 3:5).
As you pray, ask God to give you strength to stand faithfully in Christ Jesus.
About the Author

Silvana Tafa
Silvana Tafa finished her studies on French language and Literature in Lausanne, Switzerland. After she returned to Albania, she served with a local church alongside her husband. Now she gives private French lessons and takes care of her three sons in Tirana, Albania. Silvana loves nature, traveling, discovering new things, reading and writing.
These devotionals were first published in Fjalet e Shpreses, Words of Hope’s Albanian devotional. Learn more about Words of Hope Albania, and our work in training and equipping local Christian leaders to write and share the Word of God.
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