Blessing Will Follow You

Read: Luke 12:22-34

Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things will be added to you. (v. 31)

During Roman times, soldiers and the emperor’s subordinates were instructed to look after the well-being and welfare of the state. As such, they were supposed to do everything in accordance with the imperial laws of the day, even by sacrificing themselves. They sought the prosperity of the Empire even before their own lives. That’s one model for what Jesus is describing in today’s reading.

Swayed by our human nature, our natural inclination is to focus on our own material needs. In contrast, Jesus teaches his disciples that our focus should be on the kingdom of God before anything else, and trust God to provide for our needs. Jesus is the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Do we need food, clothing, and shelter? Yes, of course, and we should pray and work to provide for these things. But serving God, worshiping God, and telling others about God should come first, and our prayers should reflect that.

There is one important difference between being a disciple of Jesus and an imperial soldier. When we seek God’s kingdom, Jesus promises to provide everything else that we need, and blessing will follow. God’s sovereign care will fill your life, because unlike the emperor, God loves you and wants what is best for you.

As you pray, commit to seeking God’s kingdom. Ask God to provide for your needs.

About the Author

Bertina Salliu

Bertina Salliu is a historian and a scholar with the Institute for Albanian and Protestant Studies in Tirana, Albania. She also assists in scientific matters of the Albanian historic thought. Among other things, Bertina has a passion for reading, learning exotic languages, communication and public relations.

These devotionals were first published in Fjalet e Shpreses, Words of Hope’s Albanian devotional. Learn more about Words of Hope Albania, and our work in training and equipping local Christian leaders to write and share the Word of God.

This entry is part 12 of 12 in the series Living As Disciples