Limited Obedience

Read: John 6:16-21

O you of little faith, why did you doubt? (Matt. 14:31)

In today’s reading, we turn to the disciples on the boat. In this moment of crisis, the disciples obeyed Jesus without limits—even at risk to their own lives. How about you? What are some of your limits in obeying God?

For most of us, the things that stop us from obeying are not bad in themselves. For example, family, children, career, finances, friendships, even status and reputation in society. Protecting these things is good. God calls us to take care of our children, plan for the future, and behave honorably. However, anything that threatens and calls into question our obedience to God has the potential to become even more important than God himself. The fact that we are not willing to risk those things shows how important they are to us.

As a Christian author puts it: “The most crucial question God continually asks every human heart is this: ‘Has anything or anyone else, apart from Jesus Christ, taken the place of faith, preoccupation, faithfulness, service and pleasure in your heart?’ ” In other words, God is asking, “What or who is ruling your behavior?” Is it God or is it something else that limits your obedience to God?

The Son of God’s obedience, even to go to the cross of Calvary, was a complete obedience to the Father, even to death. His was an obedience beyond a simple sacrifice. Are you ready, just like Christ, to obey him so completely? The Son of God was willing and ready to do it for us.

As you pray, ask God to help you obey him regardless of the sacrifice.

About the Author

Genci Hoxha

Genci Hoxha is one of the leaders at a local church in Tirana where he is also involved in the ministry of teaching and preaching the Word. For 19 years, he served full-time with CRU in Albania. Three years ago, Genci Hoxha published his first poetry book entitled “Pasqyra e Qiellit” (English: The Sky’s Reflection).

These devotionals were first published in Fjalet e Shpreses, Words of Hope’s Albanian devotional. Learn more about Words of Hope Albania, and our work in training and equipping local Christian leaders to write and share the Word of God.

This entry is part 7 of 8 in the series Living As Disciples