Read: Philippians 4:4-9
The God of peace will be with you. (v. 9 NIV)
Emotional doubt is the most difficult because it grows out of deep hurt and the emotions our trauma has produced—anger, anxiety, depression, sorrow. In these concise words from Philippians 4, Paul highlights three means by which Jesus gives us grace for emotional doubt.
First, prayer. When we are in the grip of anxiety or depression, our minds move in a circle. Paul says that if we turn our concerns into a prayer list, let them ascend to God like a helium-filled balloon, and thank God for his good answer, we’ll receive the peace of God. That’s a step away from doubt.
Second, thought control. “Think about such things” (v. 8). To unite the divided mind of doubt, we have to focus on things that are positive and faith feeding. Control your mind, and Jesus will use that to overcome the doubt that grows out of the lies and ugliness and injustice of life.
Third, behavior. “Whatever you have learned . . . from me . . . put it into practice” (v. 9). If you are plagued by emotional doubt, act like a mature believer. I’m not counseling hypocrisy. I’m urging spiritual discipline. Even as physical discipline makes your body stronger, the practice of spiritual discipline will shape your soul with a deep sense of the presence of the God of peace.
If none of that works, do what that publican did in Luke 18. Because he doubted his very salvation, he brought his doubt to church.
As you pray, ask God for mercy and strength to follow God’s ways.
About the Author

Stan Mast
Rev. Stan Mast is a retired pastor, who served four churches in the West and Midwest regions of the United States. He finished his career with three years of teaching at Calvin Seminary. He is happily married to Sharon, and they have two sons and four grandchildren. Stan is a voracious reader and works out regularly. He also calls himself a car nut and an “avid, but average” golfer.
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