December 2024 Prayer Guide

NEPAL — Our ministry team in Nepal is creating messages that focus on the importance of living a balanced Christian life. “Our messages center on this idea of a godly and balanced lifestyle—a life where faith is not just something we believe, but something we practice intentionally in all areas,” shares the director.

ENGLISH — Pray for a prisoner whose personal property was stolen, including their Bible and all of their Christian reading material. We give thanks that he and his cellmate have now received Bibles again. We were also able to send them copies of the Words of Hope daily devotional

UGANDA — Pray for the people of Uganda who are seeking emotional healing amidst challenges like political unrest and broken family relationships. Many living near Kampala recently lost their homes due to government demolition of buildings in protected wetlands areas. They are longing for hope in the midst of these difficult circumstances.

INDONESIA — Faro is a member of a Words of Hope listener community in the Medan region of Indonesia. Faro wrote: “I am now committed to practicing the love of God for those who let me down. Now I can forgive the people who have disappointed me. God’s love has touched my life, and there is no reason for me not to be able to love the people around me.”

TURKEY — Pray for wisdom and clarity for our team in Turkey as they respond to questions from social media and video posts on topics like Christian terminology, prayer, ethics, and the deity of Christ. Pray that their answers bring understanding and help to strengthen faith in those who are seeking the truth.

NIGER — Our French producer in Niger writes: “John the Baptist was a voice in the desert calling men and women to prepare the way of the Lord. Following in his footsteps, we also have this mandate to preach the message of good news to all nations, so that people seek the Lord and call on the name of Jesus Christ.”

SOUTH SUDAN — Pray for continued peace and stability in South Sudan, where recent efforts in peacebuilding and conflict resolution have been fruitful. Pray for wisdom for the government as decisions are made about leadership, and that any changes will not disrupt the peace. Ask for God’s protection over the region.

BHUTAN — Pray for young people in Bhutan who recently attended a two-day camp organized by our team at a local church. Thank God for the opportunity to teach and guide young people in their faith journey. Pray that the lessons they learned will take root in their hearts and lead to transformation in their lives.

INDIA — Please pray for Dilip, who has recently recovered from addiction to alcohol and has accepted Jesus as his Savior. Thank God for the believer who brought Dilip to church and for the transformation in Dilip’s life and family. His family now worships together and experiences God’s peace.

INDONESIA — A listener community member shares: “The discussion material we get in the community along with the reflective questions that exist, we use them as material for discussion in the family. We are very grateful to God, because through this Words of Hope community, our faith is growing.”

IRAN — Pray for women in Iran who are facing strict hijab laws. Now “treatment clinics” are being set up for women who defy the regulations about head coverings. Pray that God grants courage and protection to women who are seeking personal freedom. Pray that human rights will be respected.  

ALBANIA — Pray for the growing audience engaging with “The Truth I Hold” program, especially for those who are deeply moved by the testimonies of faith. Thank God that even individuals who are not believers are finding encouragement in these stories. Pray that these testimonies continue to inspire and plant seeds of faith in viewers’ hearts.

About the Author

Claudia Elzinga