
Pedigree Misses the Point

Read: 2 Chronicles 10:1-15; Romans 2:28

My father disciplined you with whips, but I will discipline you with scorpions. (2 Chron. 10:14)

I live in an area that has a fair amount of people with Dutch roots. Since I am not Dutch, I sometimes miss the conversation about how someone is related to someone else—what some call Dutch Bingo.

Our Bible reading today tells the well-known Old Testament story of Rehoboam, who inherited the kingship following the reign of Solomon. The people come to the new king asking that their burdens be lightened. This indicates that both the Chronicler and the first readers were quite aware that there were negative aspects to King Solomon’s reign. Rehoboam consulted older advisers who recommend lightening the yoke. But Rehoboam followed the advice of the younger advisors who counseled increasing the burden. The result of Rehoboam’s folly was that ten tribes departed from the kingdom descended from David. Beginning in 2 Chronicles 11:18, the Chronicler shows that Rehoboam has a wonderful lineage in David. However, his pedigree misses the point. In chapter 12, the Chronicler explains that while the rule of Rehoboam grew strong, “he abandoned the law of the LORD” (v. 1).

Here we are reminded of the apostle Paul’s words, “No one is a Jew who is merely one outwardly, nor is circumcision outward and physical” (Rom. 2:28). We are not Christians based on our pedigree, but rather on a sincere faith in Jesus Christ that bears fruit.

As you pray, ask God to help you live a life in Christ that bears fruit.

About the Author

Kent Fry is a retired pastor and visiting research fellow at the Van Raalte Institute in Holland Michigan.

This entry is part 18 of 22 in the series Finding Christ in Chronicles