Praise the Lord!

Read: Psalm 34

My soul makes its boast in the LORD; let the humble hear and be glad. (v. 2)

I am always relieved after a hurricane spirals away. There may be debris littering the yard and repairs to deal with, but the clamor of the wind ceases, and the sun breaks through the retreating bands of clouds. I am also relieved when storms in my life come to a resting point.

Psalm 34 refers to 1 Samuel 21:10-15, where David escapes danger by feigning madness in the presence of the king of Gath. David could have attributed his close call to his quick thinking, Abimelech’s gullibility, or just plain luck. When our life storms dissipate and we begin to relax into the “new normal,” it can be easy to ascribe the outcome to ourselves, others, circumstances, or good fortune.

But David realized that it was God who heard him when he cried for help. It was God who protected him during his storm. It was God who answered him, calmed his fears, and delivered him. And because David knew it was God that saved him, he would continually be thankful and boast to others about what God had done for him.

When we see the winds calm and the sun break through the receding clouds of events that have changed our lives, let us realize that it is God’s caring protection and deliverance that has brought us through. And then, let us boast about God to others so they, too, can be glad!

As you pray, praise God for calming life’s storms and delivering you, and commit to telling others.

About the Author

Donna Harold

Donna M. Harold is retired from a career in accounting and consulting and lives in Tampa, Florida, with her husband and two cats. She serves as treasurer for her church, creates and facilitates Bible studies, and enjoys writing, mosaicking, and quilting.

This entry is part 15 of 16 in the series Storms of Life