
Face the Storm

Read: Matthew 14:22-33

Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. (v. 29)

The bathroom faucet broke. My osteopenia worsened to osteoporosis. A long-time friend died. Our house insurance went up 40 percent. Storms in life are often a tumult of many troubles. It seems as soon as we get through one, two more assail us. During these times, I sometimes question if I’ve lost my way. I can feel alone and assaulted by the wind and waves.

The disciples were terrified to see Jesus walking on water through the storm, but Jesus said, “It is I. Do not be afraid.” Peter responded, bravely. Jesus speaks to us in the midst of our turmoil too, and also tells us to not be afraid. Like Peter, our desire is to be by God’s side when we face these storms.

It took courage for Peter to walk on the water to Jesus. But when Peter saw the wind, fear took over. He began to sink and called on the Lord to save him. Jesus reached out and took hold of him while the wind continued to rage. Only when they got into the boat did the wind cease.

When we focus on the tumult of troubles engulfing us, fear and despair can threaten to drag us under and drown our faith. Yet, when we call on Jesus he reaches out and rescues us in the midst of these storms. The troubles may not cease immediately, but hand-in-hand he brings us through them.

As you pray, know that as you face your storms of life Jesus is holding your hand.

About the Author

Donna M. Harold is retired from a career in accounting and consulting and lives in Tampa, Florida, with her husband and two cats. She serves as treasurer for her church, creates and facilitates Bible studies, and enjoys writing, mosaicking, and quilting.

This entry is part 11 of 16 in the series Storms of Life