
August 2024 Prayer Guide

INDONESIA — Give thanks that new community coordinators have been trained by the team in the Singalungun region. The new coordinators are happy to have been equipped for leadership. They have now been taught how to access Words of Hope Indonesia materials on YouTube, such as Bible studies and devotionals in their own language. Pray that these materials will deepen community members’ faith in Jesus. 

NIGER — We received the following update on the current political situation in Niger from our team members there: “We are grateful to the Lord for his faithfulness. The situation in Niger is improving with most of the main partners of the country coming back one after another. The economic situation is also improving with the banks now able to release funds better than in the past, but people are getting poorer.” 

SOUTH SUDAN — Peace talks in South Sudan are stalling again because of a newly passed bill that would allow people to be detained without an arrest warrant. While the five-year civil war in the country came to an end officially in 2018, it left 400,000 people dead and millions displaced. Since then, violence has continued to be a frequent problem in the country. Pray that the current president would reject this controversial bill so peace talks can continue. 

ALBANIA — Team members in Albania share the following prayer request: “Please pray for us as we seek to develop strategic and dedicated follow up structures that will engage seekers and share the gospel with them.” It is important to bridge the gap between mass media messaging that can introduce people to Christianity, and personalized discipleship efforts that help build up faith. Pray for the team as they work on ways to nurture faith along the journey. 

NEPAL — We give thanks that, despite various socio-political and cultural challenges, God continues to open doors in Nepal for many families to embrace the Christian faith. Sixteen new believers have joined our partner church in the last few months as members. Praise the Lord! Pray for the leaders of churches throughout Nepal as our partner church continues to plant new congregations in previously unreached locations. 

INDIA — Praise the Lord for a successful youth camp that was held in partnership with local churches recently. Sixty young people were able to attend. It was clear the participants were passionate to learn more about the Word of God. One of the main focuses of the camp was to help make young people aware of some of the issues facing their generation such as addiction to drugs, social media, and fraud schemes promising jobs or marriages. 

TURKEY — Our ministry leader in Turkey writes: “Life has had its share of ups and downs here, but we truly rejoice as we see God working in the lives of our staff, on our team, and through our team. We also see God doing a mighty work in this country, and the effects of increasingly difficult circumstances here are causing people to seek God and the truth. We are honored that God would allow us to play a part in this.”

UGANDA — Bible study groups in Uganda are impacting people’s lives. One producer reports: “I want to thank the Lord for the many lives that are being transformed through studying the Scriptures—most especially the youth. One young man joined our Bible study group, and the Word has made him grow spiritually. Last year he applied to study theology. He was accepted into the program. He thanks the Bible study group for helping him grow to this point.”

ENGLISH — A new book from president emeritus, Rev. David Bast, is now in the final stages of layout and design. The book is a full year of devotional reflections that take the reader on a journey through the Bible while following the church’s liturgical calendar. Pray for the finishing touches of this work to come together. Pray for the processes of advertising and distribution, and pray that this resource will help readers to grow in faith as they spend time with the Lord. 

BHUTAN — Our Bhutanese ministry leader shares: “We visited a village in the eastern part of Bhutan. Only four believing families are there, and they lack someone to teach and disciple them regularly. They rely on our sermons, which we provide on SD cards, but we also make sure to visit them once a year for fellowship and face-to-face interaction. Our visit was a great encouragement and blessing to them.” 

IRAN — Praise the Lord that 19 people were baptized at Words of Hope’s recent Persian conference. Multiple times per year, Iranian Christians are invited to travel outside their own country to a safe location where they can worship together and learn more about the Bible. For many of them, this is the first time they have had the opportunity to be baptized or participate in a communion service. Pray for these newly baptized believers as they return to their homes.