Courage to Evangelize

Pravin is a Words of Hope’s community development workers. He lives and works in Bhutan, a small South Asian country to the north of India. “I personally believe that the Lord has gifted me in evangelizing people,” writes Pravin. “Wherever I go and wherever I work, I make sure to share the gospel with the people.”

One day, Pravin was driving when he noticed a Buddhist monk waiting for a ride on the side of the road. “I stopped and gave him a lift,” shares Pravin. “I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to share the gospel with him.”

Over the course of the next hour, Pravin spoke with the monk. Pravin told him that he too was born into a strong Buddhist family. He shared how at one point in his life he worked as a cook in a Buddhist monastery, and how while he was there, he introduced three of the monks to Jesus Christ and they became Christians. 

“I shared my testimony to him and how I have come to know the eternal truth of Jesus Christ,” says Pravin. 

According to the nonprofit Open Doors, all Bhutanese citizens are expected to follow Buddhism. Converts to Christianity are watched with suspicion, and efforts are usually made by family and community to bring them back to their former religion. No churches in Bhutan have official state recognition either, which means that Christians are technically worshiping illegally. Local authorities often refuse to issue Christians with the certifications needed for loan applications, property registration, job applications, or ID card renewals.

Despite all this, the monk’s reaction to Pravin’s sharing of the gospel was surprisingly open. “Okay brother,” the monk said at the end of their ride together. “I will think about it before I decide to believe in Jesus. Maybe my parents have worshiped the wrong gods.”

Pravin and the monk exchanged phone numbers and stayed in touch on WhatsApp. One day the monk messaged Pravin and asked if he could come visit him again. The monk came to Pravin’s house, and Pravin gave him gospel tracts to read. 

The monk told Pravin that he wanted to believe in Jesus Christ. Several months later he was baptized. 

“Please pray for him that he will know Jesus and become a witness to others in the coming days,” says Pravin.

