
Read: Revelation 2:12-17

To the one who conquers I will give . . . a new name. (v. 17)

When a tropical depression’s winds surpass 38 mph, it’s classified as a tropical storm. At this point, the storm is given a name to uniquely identify it and recognize its potential for affecting lives. That name is recorded in databanks along with the storm’s characteristics and behavior, which will now be closely monitored and tracked. As the storm grows and spins toward land and people, that name becomes known from news posts and multicolored images moving across TV screens. Maybe you remember Andrew, Katrina, and Sandy, to name a few.

Our names identify and distinguish us from others and give us a sense of individuality. Receiving a name signifies we are recognized in relationship. We give our children and pets a name to claim them as family. When there are major changes in our life such as marriage or adoption, our name often changes in proclamation of new circumstances.

When we give our lives to Christ we are born again (1 Peter 1:3-5), this time into God’s family. God gives us a new name to claim each of us as his own beloved child. But unlike a named storm that is just tracked, God, as our Father, guides us in the track he lays out for us. And, because Jesus conquered sin and eternal death on the cross, we are given power to live victoriously no matter what storms in life we confront. I don’t know what my new name is yet, but I know it’s precious.

As you pray, realize that God has named and claimed you as his own.

About the Author

Donna Harold

Donna M. Harold is retired from a career in accounting and consulting and lives in Tampa, Florida, with her husband and two cats. She serves as treasurer for her church, creates and facilitates Bible studies, and enjoys writing, mosaicking, and quilting.

This entry is part 5 of 16 in the series Storms of Life