

Read: Ephesians 2:1-10

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world. (vv. 1-2 NIV)

I was trapped, trapped under my extremely heavy desk. Reaching under the desktop to grab my power wheelchair’s joystick, I hit the wrong button. Instead of backing away, my powerful seat began tilting upwards. Unable to get my hand off the control, it kept going, crushing my hand, the joystick, and my legs as it lifted the desk. Panicked, I screamed for my parents, who lifted the desk, disengaged the wheelchair’s power, and got me out.

Instead of writing that we were trapped in our transgressions and sins, Paul used the stronger word, dead. When someone dies, it’s permanent, with no hope of escape. We can rejoice that the apostle didn’t end this verse there. He went on to describe God’s great love for us. A love that caused him to send Jesus Christ to rescue us from our deadness of sin. No grave could trap him. He conquered death on the cross and rose again. Our Savior is the only one that can cause our dead, sinful lives to come alive again. We do not deserve this great gift. God graciously gives a new life that only Christ can offer.

Do you feel like the weight of your sin is crushing you? Call out to Jesus to lift that heavy weight off of your life. When he does, you’ll enjoy living in the freedom only Christ can give.

As you pray, thank God for sending Jesus to lift the weight of sin off of you.

About the Author

Headshot of author Steve Laman

Steven Laman is a writer and public speaker who has lived with cerebral palsy since his birth in 1970. Steven is a prolific devotional writer for Words of Hope, and the author of three books: My Journey God’s Grace, Strength in Weakness and My Grace Is Sufficient. He also volunteers as a teacher’s aide. He lives with his parents in Iowa.

This entry is part 12 of 15 in the series Personal Faith Lessons