
Foreign Currency

Read: Matthew 6:19-24

But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. (v. 20)

When I was in high school, a cafeteria worker from Mexico gave me a special gift. It was a key ring with a hundred-peso coin hanging from it. In 1988, I didn’t know the value of this gift. All these years, it hung from a zipper on my backpack. It was not until I sat down to write this devotion 35 years later, that I looked up my coin on an e-commerce website to see if it was worth anything. To my surprise, a vintage coin like mine was selling for much more than a hundred pesos.

Jesus talked about foreign currency. He told us to store up treasure in heaven. Such assets are not monetary, but obtaining them will make us rich toward God. One way to acquire this treasure is to live out the values of heaven. Whenever we are being honest, showing mercy, or being sacrificial, we show that we value what the Lord values. Working to obtain these riches will not get us into heaven because salvation is a free gift. But striving to collect this treasure will honor and bless the one who sacrificed and died for us.

Nothing and no one can steal our heavenly treasure. It cannot get destroyed by moths or rust. It will last for all eternity. What currency are you storing up in heaven? Heaven’s currency is much more valuable than anything on earth. It’s certainly more valuable than any old coin.

As you pray, ask the Lord to give you the desire to store up heavenly treasure.

About the Author

Headshot of author Steve Laman
Steven Laman

Steven Laman is a writer and public speaker who has lived with cerebral palsy since his birth in 1970. Steven is a prolific devotional writer for Words of Hope, and the author of three books: My Journey God’s Grace, Strength in Weakness and My Grace Is Sufficient. He also volunteers as a teacher’s aide. He lives with his parents in Iowa.

This entry is part 2 of 15 in the series Personal Faith Lessons