July 2024 Prayer Guide

INDONESIA — Five new listener communities will soon be started in Simalungun, Indonesia. Prospective leaders are lined up for each community group. Our team is planning to visit the area to provide the necessary training for the leaders before they begin community activities. Pray that these new communities will turn into a source of support and learning for Christians living in remote areas. 

NIGER — Niger gospel programming is now focusing around the theme, “Return to your Creator.” “This is a way for us to develop programs around the theme of salvation,” says the producer. “With the events happening in our country, people are turning to religion in search of answers to existential problems. It is important to offer our listeners programs that respond to their concerns.” 

SOUTH SUDAN — New programming from the team in South Sudan focuses on quality education and national unity. The team leader explains that these things can help move the mindset of the people away from tribalism. Warring tribal factions have long been a problem in South Sudan. Let’s pray that the people there can move beyond their tribes and embrace each other as brothers and sisters living at peace. 

ALBANIA — A Words of Hope Albania team member writes: “For hundreds of years . . . many forces have waged war on Albanian language and identity. It is fascinating that God has kept this nation, and I strongly believe he has a purpose for that. Keep Albania in your prayers. Our people must turn to Jesus.” Please pray that the programming produced by the team will introduce many hearts to Christ. 

NEPAL — A new topic of focus for the team in Nepal is producing programming about forgiveness and reconciliation. The team leader explains that this addresses a real need he sees in Nepali communities—even within the Nepali church. “Relationships experience brokenness, separation, pain, anguish, bitterness, anger, and resentment.” he says. Pray with us that the new programming would pave the way for reconciliation. 

INDIA — Pray for a woman Esther who is currently enrolled in a class at a Words of Hope sewing center. She is learning how to do tailoring to help support her family. “Most of the time we have to struggle to pay my son’s school fees,” she explains. “Our income gets exhausted in sustaining daily needs. This training will help me to earn extra income to support my son’s education. I am blessed to be a part of this organization. Thank you so much.”

TURKEY — Pray for a listener named Eric who recently reached out to the team in Turkey. He shared about his struggles with gambling and alcohol consumption. He says that these issues have also been affecting his relationship with the Lord. Eric wants to change. He expressed sorrow and regret for mistakes he has made in the past. He also asked for prayers to break his bad habits and grow closer to the Lord. 

UGANDA — One of our producers in Uganda requests prayer for discipleship efforts in her part of the country. She explains that discipling new converts is difficult in her context because many who come to faith through Words of Hope programming live in remote areas where there are very few trained pastors or other spiritual mentors to come alongside them. Pray that the radio programs would be a source of encouragement and discipleship for these new converts. 

ENGLISH — Increasing numbers of the Words of Hope daily print devotional are being requested by new subscribers! Shipments are being sent out each week all over the country. Please pray with us for these new readers, and for each home, doctor’s office, prison cell, nursing facility, or church that they are being sent to. Pray that God would be at work as people take time to draw near him daily and read his word. 

BHUTAN — Internet data has become very expensive in Bhutan. Broadband connections are available in the towns, but in the villages, people are still using their mobile data to access Internet services. Due to this some people are not able to access our social media programs. To overcome this, the team is loading programs on SD cards and distributing them to the house church leaders in strategic locations.

IRAN — Pray for an Armenian Christian named Hakop who has been sentenced to ten years in prison inside Iran. Hakop had seven Persian Bibles in his possession, and had visited two Armenian churches and one Persian house church. He lives in Armenia, but was arrested while traveling inside Iran. Pray for Hakop and his family, that this unjust sentence would be overruled so that he can go fre