Read: Philippians 3:17-4:2
Therefore, my brothers, whom I love and long for, my joy and crown, stand firm thus in the Lord, my beloved. (4:1)
Standing firm. What is that about? It’s a command. This is not presented as optional territory or with a “take it or leave it” mentality. It is presented not for us to consider, but to obey. Furthermore, it is written in the present tense. This means that “standing firm” is not to be a one-time deal, something we try once and then forget about. No, the tense indicates that “standing firm” is to be a part of our Christian lifestyle, a continuing direction and goal in our personal lives and in the lives of our churches.
To stand firm means we stand firm as citizens of heaven; as a community of exiles on earth we are to remain steadfast in our loyalty and obedience to Christ (3:20). Second, we stand firm in our commitment to the cross of Christ (3:18). And finally, we stand firm by agreeing in the Lord and by living in harmony (4:2).
Has this been your experience? As Christians we must be zealous in our commitment to our heavenly citizenship. The message of the cross of Jesus Christ must be nailed to the center of our personal lives. It must be the heart of our church’s message. We must be standing firm in modeling unity and harmony in our relationships and churches.
As you pray, ask God to give you the courage, grace, and strength to stand firm.
About the Author

David Walls
David Walls is a pastor and writer who has served in ministry for more than 40 years.
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