Read: Philippians 1:8-11; Matthew 9:35-38
How I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus. (v. 8)
Philip Yancey shares a brief story in his book What’s So Amazing About Grace? that struck a chord with me. He speaks of receiving a postcard in the mail from a friend on which were printed only six words: “I am the one Jesus loves.” Yesterday we wondered what would happen to our lives if just one person loved us without conditions. Today the question is different. What would change in my life if I sincerely believed the Bible’s incredible words about God’s love for me? What would change if I believed that “I am the one Jesus loves”? What would change if I was loved by someone else “with the affection of Jesus Christ”?
The word “affection” at its core means, “the inward parts, a gut-wrenching emotion.” In other places it carries a maternal sense, meaning “from the womb.” Paul wants his readers to know that the affection of Jesus surges from the very center of his being. His compassion for them is not something he simply conjured up. It is nourished and birthed from a divine womb of emotion.
It is very difficult for some to embrace the affection of Jesus. Maybe you believe that no one, not even Jesus, could possibly love you. Please read on: “And Jesus . . . had compassion for [the crowds], because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd” (Matt. 9:36).
As you pray, ask God to help you begin to believe in the compassion of Jesus for you.
About the Author

David Walls
David Walls is a pastor and writer who has served in ministry for more than 40 years.
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