Surrender, Slavery, and Serving

Read: Luke 1:26-38

And Mary said, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” (v. 38)

Ask a student what her goal in life is. I very much doubt you will hear her say, “My goal in life is to become a servant.” Most people don’t think very highly of the profession. But if you bear the name “Christian,” you also bear the title “servant.”

Jesus himself was referred to as a servant (see Acts 3:13). Mary declared herself a “servant of the Lord.” Paul, James, Peter, and Jude all introduced themselves as “a servant of God.” We too are servants. Through surrendering to Christ, we inherit all the characteristics of a servant of Christ: living for him, submitting to him, and obeying him.

The Bible also uses the word slave to describe who we are in Christ. That really is a title no one desires. It has nothing but negative associations, but to be a slave of Christ is completely different.

First Corinthians 7:22 says, “he who was free when called is a slave of Christ.” The reason this is different from any other slavery is that we choose to be Christ’s slave through our desire to surrender to him. Out of our love and gratitude we serve him willingly, joyfully, and freely. That is not slavery to dread. It is a privilege we ought to rejoice in.

As you pray, ask God to help you gladly bear the name “servant of God.”

About the Author

Jessica Heikoop

Jessica Heikoop was a writer and editor from Ontario, Canada. Beloved by her family and community, she died in 2013 at the age of 31.

This entry is part 11 of 14 in the series Finding Freedom in Surrender