
The Starry Covenant Fulfilled

Read: Matthew 2:1-12

We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him. (v. 2)

The longest journey I ever made was from my home in Seattle, Washington, to the island nation of the Philippines. It was a trip of blind faith. I went not knowing anyone, not knowing the culture or language, trusting that God would meet me during the mission trip. And he did. Strangers became friends, I witnessed the light of God shine in spiritually dark places, and I left with a heart full of good news about all God had done. The most profound and lasting truth I still carry with me from that trip is this: the light of God shines most brilliantly in the darkness.

Is it any wonder that God announced the birth of his son with a star? Not only was a star the ultimate symbol of his covenant with the Israelites fulfilled in the birth of Christ, but it also represented the mission of Jesus to rescue us from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Jesus, who would one day proclaim “I am the light of the world” (John 8:12), entered our darkness as a baby—and the world was forever changed.

The magi had no way of knowing this when they left their home to journey for months to Bethlehem, but they walked by faith knowing that this star signified something special: the birth of a king. The light of the world.

As you pray, thank God for sending Jesus to illuminate the darkness and bring us into the light.

About the Author

Katelyn J. Dixon is a writer and photographer from Auburn, Washington. When she’s not creating, she enjoys exploring the beautiful Pacific Northwest with her husband Drew and partnering with him in life and ministry.

This entry is part 8 of 9 in the series The Heavens Declare