
January 2024 Prayer Guide

SOUTH SUDAN — Our team in South Sudan reports some challenges with the government radio station. Originally, Words of Hope programs were broadcast four days per week, but this has been changed to Sunday broadcasts only. Our opportunities to broadcast vary depending on who is currently placed in charge of the radio station, and whether that person is a Christian or not. Pray that we would be able to get more airtime again soon. 

TURKEY — The team in Turkey writes that their mission is: “To reach the Turkish speaking world and those who live within Turkey with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to help believers grow in their faith, using various types of media.” The team continues to produce programs that openly share the truths of the gospel and point people to Jesus. Pray that the team would be encouraged for ministry in this new year. 

INDIA — A follow-up meeting was organized in a remote Indian village recently. The village is surrounded by dense forests, and the people live in primitive conditions. This was the team’s third visit to the tribe in this village. After the first visit, 90 people accepted Christ. After the second visit, another 35 people became Christians. This time, more than 250 people gathered to listen to the Word of God being preached!

NEPAL — A young woman in Nepal named Alina accidentally happened across Words of Hope’s radio program and was blessed by what she heard. She has tried to get others to listen with her, but so far she has been persecuted and ignored. She has become a faithful believer, and listens regularly to the programs herself, but her family will not allow her to go to church or join Christian activities. Please pray that her whole family will come to Christ. 

NIGER — We thank the Lord for improved situations in Niger. The fear of war breaking out with West African countries is now practically gone. It now seems clear that diplomatic solutions will win out. The coup that took place in Niger has been widely accepted by the neighboring countries. Negotiations with the military government should start soon, and hopefully sanctions that have been placed on the country will be lifted. Please continue to pray for the people there. 

BHUTAN — Our Bhutanese team leader shares: “While we’re dedicated to sharing the gospel and actively seeking opportunities to spread the message, it’s challenging in Bhutan because many people’s hearts are closed off. Their minds are influenced by worldly distractions. They often ignore or avoid Christian programs. However, we remain committed to our calling, and continue to pray for the salvation of our people.”

INDONESIA — Give thanks that a new translator has been found for the Nias language ministry team. He is the pastor of a tribal church on Nias island in Indonesia. Pray with us that his presence as a translator can expand the reach of our ministry through the Nias language devotional. Currently 11 community groups meet together on this island to listen to the programs and discuss them together. 

NEPAL — The aim of a recent program series in Nepal, “Vocational Worship,” was to bridge the gap between work and worship. The team dedicated 12 weeks to thinking about, studying, and preaching about this topic. They talked about how God, who created the world and everything in it, is still deeply concerned with our everyday lives. The series has helped to foster an understanding of Christian vocation and calling from the Lord. Thanks be to God!

IRAN — We give thanks for Iranian believers inside the country who are connected to our ministry and are willing to travel to different parts of the country to encourage new believers. Pray for the safety of these believers. There is always a risk in meeting others in person in a place like Iran. Someone could pose as a new Christian to gain information that might lead to an arrest, or worse. Pray that Christ’s will prevails. 

UGANDA — Pray for a young man named Jeremy. He is an orphan and had left the church because of frustration. Jeremy recently joined a Bible study class run by our Rutooro language producer, and he has now returned to church. He is taking piano lessons, and has started to play the organ at his local church. The church, in turn, has paid school fees and supported Jeremy so that he can return to school and finish his high school classes. 

ENGLISH — Words of Hope’s Bible study guide, Read the Bible in a Year, is now available to purchase on Amazon! The book has been redesigned, and it takes readers through a journey of reading the entire Old and New Testament in about fifteen minutes per day. Helpful commentary and application are provided to supplement the Scripture readings. Pray as we begin to market this resource, that it will be a helpful tool for many people. 

ALBANIA — We received the following words of appreciation from a pastor named Ida who lives in Albania. “May you be encouraged to know that the Words of Hope is being shared with others in Albania. I have shared copies of the devotional with people, and they are growing from reading them.” Pray for Ida and her ministry work in Albania. Pray too for the people who are encountering Christ for the first time as they read the Words of Hope devotional. 

About the Author

Claudia Elzinga