God’s Generosity

Read: 1 Samuel 30:16-26

For as his share is who goes down into the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage. They shall share alike. (v. 24)

Children like all things to be fair. My son feels he should only have to practice violin if his sister also practices. Likewise, he does not want to go to bed even a minute earlier than his sister or his friends. Both of my children believe that doing chores is only fair if they receive their allowance in return.

When the Amalekites were finally defeated in battle, the wives, children, and flocks were rescued, and much spoil was amassed. Suddenly, a bunch of grown men—big-time warriors—began to act like children. They thought that those who were too exhausted and devastated to go back into battle, and so stayed with the baggage, did not deserve a piece of the spoil. I imagine the warriors whining like children, “But they didn’t do anything!” David had the presence of mind to declare them all equal recipients of the spoil, and even made it a lasting statute.

Sometimes, even in the face of plenty, we worry it might not be enough. We become fearful about whether we’ll receive our fair share of stuff, an attitude that never leads to satisfaction. Only God can truly provide the fullness of what we need. Thankfully, God is lavishly generous, giving us the ultimate gift of his Son, Jesus, and he has paid all of our debts and gifted us with an eternity of abundant life.

As you pray, thank God for his most generous gift, Jesus Christ.

About the Author

Katy Sundararajan

Katy Sundararajan is a specialized minister in the Reformed Church in America. She has garnered her pastoral perspectives from posts as a college chaplain, a missionary, an international student advisor, and a higher education and leadership ministries program coordinator.

This entry is part 30 of 31 in the series 1 Samuel: Trusting God through Big Transitions