Read: 1 Samuel 16:1-13
The Spirit of the LORD rushed upon David from that day forward. (v. 13)
Growing up, I was the eldest sibling, but not the smartest or the most musical. Eventually, I wasn’t even the tallest. While I did not doubt my special gifts and talents, I also did not view myself as “best,” “most,” or even “most likely” to be chosen for significant honor.
When Samuel arrived in Bethlehem to anoint the next king, there was a fair amount of confusion as Jesse and his sons gathered for the special selection. The brothers may have had their own assumptions in mind about who was best, but as readers, it shouldn’t surprise us that God saw something different. God reminded Samuel that he does not look at appearance or height, but at the heart. So each brother passed by, oldest to youngest, until at last, someone was sent to fetch David. The Bible states that David was indeed handsome, but that wasn’t what Samuel recognized. I think that day must have lingered in his brothers’ minds, and I wonder how they saw David. Did they recognize his beautiful heart?
In our deepest place, we want to be known not for our beauty, which will fade with age, but for our heart. Within our hearts lie the intangible, beautiful gems that we call “fruit of the Spirit,” the beauties of love, kindness, faithfulness, and so on (Gal. 5:22-23). In your living, be known for your beautiful heart, the thing that matters most.
As you pray, offer your beautiful heart for God’s anointing today.
About the Author
Katy Sundararajan
Katy Sundararajan is a specialized minister in the Reformed Church in America. She has garnered her pastoral perspectives from posts as a college chaplain, a missionary, an international student advisor, and a higher education and leadership ministries program coordinator.
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