Reflections from a Translator

Even as Albanians begin to write original devotional content, translating North American devotionals and editing them to fit the Albanian context will continue to be an ongoing need. Fabian fulfills this important role behind the scenes, ensuring that encouragement from Scripture is accessible to readers in his own country. 

“I believe God is at work,” says Fabian. “Albania is not the same country it was 30 or 40 years ago. Albanians enjoy the kind of freedom to worship and to proclaim God today that 40 years ago would have been unthinkable.”

“As a translator,” he continues, “sometimes it feels I am not influencing anyone to faith in Christ, because I mostly just sit behind my computer typing away. But then, through technology, I hear of people being blessed through the daily devotionals. I know it is because of people who write those devotionals, but then I remember, it is also because they are able to read it in Albanian that they are blessed. It is rewarding to know that whatever I do behind closed doors in an office for God is not in vain.”

Fabian believes that fewer people are reading the Bible regularly today, even though they are hungry and thirsty for what the Word of God has to offer. He has noticed the struggle to commit to daily Bible reading in his own life, noting that the blame often falls to kids, work, or other causes of busyness. 

Busyness is a refrain that complicates many people’s efforts to establish a regular devotional routine. This is why Words of Hope’s devotionals are short, designed to be completed in five minutes or less. But this is also why every devotional starts with Scripture. The devotional itself is a brief meditation on the life-giving Word of God. People can return to and pray over the Scripture passage all day long. 

“One of the things I hope we are achieving with our work is bringing people back to the only source,” says Fabian, “to the only spring where we will thirst no more. I have come to understand the invaluable importance the Bible has, not just for our spiritual growth, but also for our day to day life and walk with the Lord. The daily devotionals have played a huge role in coming to that understanding.”

About the Author

Claudia Elzinga