Big, Beautiful Saul

Read: 1 Samuel 10:17-27

Do you see him whom the LORD has chosen? There is none like him among all the people. (v. 24)

We tend to expect that the president of the United States will have a certain stature and build. This may actually be most obvious when we see the actors (and actresses) selected to portray the president in movies. More often than not, they are tall and robust in size and presence.

In our passage today, the big moment had finally arrived, and the Israelites had gathered so their very first king could be named. After a slow process of elimination, Saul was selected, but then he was nowhere to be found. God finally directed the people to find Saul hiding among the baggage. There were plenty of reasons for Saul to have hidden, not the least of which was the weight of being chosen to rule over the kingdom, but the Israelites didn’t understand. They looked at Saul and saw exactly what they expected a king to look like: he was big and beautiful. The Israelites had to feel confused by Saul’s reticence to appear.

Sometimes even when everything looks perfect, it may be difficult to believe in yourself. Beneath the beautiful appearance and the crowd’s approval, doubts and fears may still be roiling. It’s good and helpful to have an informed voice like Samuel’s, speaking on your behalf and reminding you that you are chosen, made in God’s image, and fully equipped for the call.

As you pray, if your calling has you feeling anxious, ask for a reminder that God has made you ready.

About the Author

Katy Sundararajan

Katy Sundararajan is a specialized minister in the Reformed Church in America. She has garnered her pastoral perspectives from posts as a college chaplain, a missionary, an international student advisor, and a higher education and leadership ministries program coordinator.

This entry is part 12 of 31 in the series 1 Samuel: Trusting God through Big Transitions