
September 2023 Prayer Guide

ENGLISH — Words of Hope has the privilege of receiving many phone calls and letters from people who read our daily devotional. We get a number of messages from people living in prison. Join us in praying for an individual in prison who recently wrote: “In Jesus’ name I ask to be healed in heart, mind, body, and soul through truth and reconciliation with the Creator by listening to the Word of God daily.” 

NIGER — Things remain calm but tense in Niger following the recent coup. The former democratically-elected president is still being detained, and outside countries and organizations are still pondering sanctions and interventions. One of Words of Hope’s leaders in the country says: “Honestly, the anxiety is there, and we are expecting a sudden attack at any time. But the country is still quiet.” 

UGANDA — Two of Words of Hope Uganda’s leaders are visiting the United States right now. Pray for them as they speak at churches and visit individuals. This is an important opportunity for them to help fundraise for the ministry efforts, while also sharing their vision for future ministry growth. Pray as together we launch fundraising efforts for the translation of the Kuku New Testament. The Kuku tribe has never had the Bible in their language before!

SOUTH SUDAN — Please continue in prayer for refugees from Sudan that are arriving in the country of South Sudan. Many of these refugees are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. While traveling to escape their war-torn country, some Sudanese people speak of their children dying and of having lost all their personal possessions. The people who have arrived seeking asylum are desperately in need of medicine and food. 

INDIA — Pray for our ministry leaders in India. It is becoming increasingly dangerous to do outreach ministry in the country. One of our current leaders experienced a family member hiring a hitman to kill him when he became a Christian. He survived, and has since reconciled with his brother and gone on to lead ministry efforts that are changing the lives of many. We thank God for the faith and tenacity of these leaders, and also pray that the Lord would protect and guide them. 

NEPAL — Words of Hope Nepal is now translating the North American daily devotional into Nepali. The team has printed 500 copies of the devotional and is now distributing the booklets to area churches. These booklets are free for this initial distribution, but next quarter, the team will ask congregations for a small gift to help support the ministry. Next quarter, the team also plans to include some devotionals written by Nepali Christians!

IRAN — Give thanks for a new series of short, one-minute videos being produced for Iranian children. The videos are called, “One Bible Verse, One Thanksgiving for Children.” In the videos, a young girl reads and explains a Bible verse. She then offers a prayer in Farsi. Pray that these videos will be a blessing to a new, younger generation of Iranians seeking to learn more about Christianity. 

ALBANIA — Our director for Words of Hope Albania shares: “One of the things I think is going well in our ministry is the growing relationship we have as a team. I believe this is very important since we depend on each other to achieve our goals. Strategic planning has been very valuable in both growing the team’s synergy and focusing strategically on the future.” Pray for the Lord’s direction to be clear as the team plans for the future of the ministry. 

TURKEY — Our team members in Turkey have sent a list of prayer requests. First and foremost, they ask for God’s guidance to be clear. They pray that he would uphold the ministry according to his will. Next, they ask for prayer that even more people will become engaged through social media and radio. They pray that these people would be led to Christ through the media outreach. Finally, they praise the Lord for his provision in all things.

INDONESIA — Community groups organized by the team in Indonesia give Christians a chance to talk to and pray for one another. Our leader shares that often, community group members express their fears to others in the group. Members have shared challenges such as being left by their husbands for other women, domestic abuse, illness, lack of money, etc. Some community members say they feel shaken in their souls. Pray for God’s comfort, presence, and provision.  

SOUTH SUDAN — There is a confirmed outbreak of jiggers, a type of sand flea, in part of South Sudan. These fleas are especially likely to infect the feet of children who are often barefoot. Flea infestation can be incredibly painful, and can even lead to gangrene if not treated properly with sterile equipment. Pray that people would be accepting of medical treatment that is brought in, and that politics would not get in the way.  

BHUTAN — Pray for a team member who works to translate and adapt the Words of Hope daily devotional into Bhutanese. She serves with great delight to see the Word of God go out in accessible ways. We are so thankful for the work of indigenous ministry workers who can share the gospel in their own heart language, and in ways that speak directly to their own cultural context.