Sharing a Baptism

Read: Romans 6:3-8

We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. (v. 4)

I’ve always found it funny to listen to sports fans talk about their favorite players. When they talk about the triumphs and humiliations of a sports star, it’s as if the person speaking was actually the one who had scored the goal or dropped the ball. But could you imagine how strange it would be if the famous athlete could actually transfer his experience of scoring a winning goal to his fan? The fan could say, “No, really, it was me! I was the one who scored the goal that won it all!”

Ridiculous, right? We wouldn’t believe him. But the apostle Paul says something just as strange when he says that we have died and risen with Christ in baptism. Somehow Christ’s death and resurrection becomes our death and resurrection! Like the sports fan, we can talk about the cross and empty tomb as if we were there, as if we did it. In some mysterious way the sacrament of baptism signifies that we participate in what Jesus did. Jesus gives it to us.

The next time you are in a worship service stop and think about the fact that your worship is a gift from God. You can come before the throne of God because Jesus unites himself to you.

As you pray, thank Jesus for sharing his death and life with you so that you can worship through him.

About the Author

Steven Rodriguez

Steven Rodriguez lives in Rochester, New York, with his wife and four children.

This entry is part 6 of 15 in the series Worship: From Silence to Song