We Belong

Read: Hebrews 3

For we have come to share in Christ. (v. 14)

Have you ever been to a convention, seminar, or training session? One of the first things you do is pick up your name tag, which you then wear constantly for the rest of the event. These tags identify you by name, but they sometimes have a second identity listed on them as well—often the organization of which you’re a part. Maybe it lists your workplace, or your church. Your tag tells people who you are but also who you’re with.

Hebrews 3 begins as follows: “Therefore, brothers and sisters, holy partners in a heavenly calling . . .” (v. 1 NRSV). As Christians, we are invited into a very high calling; one that we don’t have much hope of reaching on our own. It’s the journey of becoming like Christ in all that we think, say, and do. But none of us is Jesus. We’ll all fall short of this calling over and over again.

Thankfully, we’re not invited to this party because we’re so good at following Jesus. We’re invited because we already belong to Jesus (Rom. 1:6). All of our name tags have “Jesus Christ” printed right alongside our own names. We press on in our journey not because we’re doing such a good job but because we have confidence that Jesus makes us more than what we are. When you feel like you don’t belong in God’s family, remember that you’ve got Jesus’ name on your name tag.

As you pray, place your trust in Jesus and ask him to lead you in his ways.

About the Author

Jen Petersen

Jennifer Petersen is an ordained minister in the Reformed Church in America.

This entry is part 3 of 16 in the series Hebrews: Living in Faith