New Beginnings

Read: Romans 8:1-11

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (v. 1 NIV)

The word that catches my eyes and heart most in this passage is in verse 1: the word now. This word is crucial to our understanding of what this verse is saying to us. In Romans 1-7, Paul points out the problem, which is sin. Sin is not only wrong; it poisons our relationship with God. We are constantly trying to live right and do well, but we often get stuck in sin. From the desperation of this situation, Paul asks, “Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!” (7:24-25 NIV).

I want to remind you: you belong to Jesus! People who are in Christ belong to Christ because the Spirit lives in them (8:9-11). Yes, the battles are there, you see the harm brought about by sin and evil each and every day, but that doesn’t change who you are in Christ. Instead of being downcast, let this reminder constantly draw you back to the Savior for strength and guidance. Return to him admitting your weaknesses and limitations. Who you are is not about the battles you encounter; it is more about whose lead you follow, for in the midst of condemnation the Spirit of God is your supply.

“As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us” (Ps. 103:12). Choose freedom today and thank God who says it is true! —Keziah Namusaazi (Manager of Production and Broadcast, Words of Hope Uganda)

As you pray, confess the truth in Romans 8:1-4.

About the Author

photo of Keziah Namusaazi
Keziah Namusaazi

Keziah Namusaazi is the manager of production and broadcast for Words of Hope Uganda. Through radio programs of all types, from music, to Bible studies, to counseling, Words of Hope Uganda is claiming all assets of Ugandan society and culture for Christ. Words of Hope is empowering Ugandan pastors and churches to effectively nurture their people in the life of Christian discipleship. In the midst of this hard place, radio is bringing truly life-changing good news. To learn more about Words of Hope Uganda, visit our ministry pages.

This entry is part 19 of 21 in the series Freedom in Christ