July 2023 Prayer Guide

INDIA — Give thanks that our staff team in India was invited to organize a two-day seekers’ meeting at a nearby church. We are overjoyed that 70 people attended the meeting from many surrounding villages. The attendees represented several different ethnic groups as well. Pray for guidance as we work now to expand our ministry to these remote villages to spread Christ’s message of love and salvation. 

NEPAL — We are grateful that the first Nepali translation of our Words of Hope daily devotional is now complete. It has been sent off for layout and design, and we are eager to see the finished product. Continue praying for this project as it moves through its final stages. Pray that these translated devotions will bring hope and encouragement to the Nepali community, and that many will respond in faith as they read. 

INDONESIA — Give thanks for the generosity of a local Indonesian church congregation who organized a fundraiser to purchase Bibles in the Nias language. Our team members were able to distribute these Bibles to members of the Nias listener community. The Bible recipients were grateful. Pray that these Bibles will inspire the recipients to engage in deeper reading and meditating on the Bible in their own heart language.  

TURKEY — Please be in prayer for our partner radio station in Antakya, Turkey. We are thankful that the station is back up and running following the damage to office buildings during the earthquake. The radio station, Immanuel FM, is one of just five radio stations currently on air in the region. It is the only Christian radio station. Pray for the ongoing rebuilding process, and pray for the team as they are currently working in temporary office spaces. 

SOUTH SUDAN — The ongoing crisis in Sudan is also having a negative impact on people in South Sudan. As more refugees from Sudan continue to pour into South Sudan, the already fragile peace and reconciliation efforts in South Sudan are becoming further strained. Over 100,000 refugees have now entered South Sudan, and the economy is at a breaking point. Pray for both countries and their leaders—for peace and stability. 

UGANDA — We give thanks for reports from our team that Words of Hope programming has given many families courage to resist the cultural practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). Mothers are courageously standing up for their daughters and saving them from harm. The team reports that numerous young girls have been spared from undergoing the practice. Pray that FGM will be eradicated completely. 

BHUTAN — Pray for Tanden, who is a faithful Bible study attendee. In order to participate in the Bible study, she must walk for over an hour and a half, carrying her one-year-old son on her back. Tanden shares all that she learns with her husband, and though he was once a strong Buddhist, he has now given his life to Christ also. Tanden continues to grow in her faith and witness intentionally to family and friends. 

NIGER — Give thanks for the ways in which the funds raised through the Vision of Hope campaign are bearing fruit in Niger. An evangelist and his family have settled into the strategic outreach location of Dan Farou. Words of Hope has been able to provide a vehicle for this evangelist to use in his ministry efforts. We rejoice that already there is news of a Muslim background believer coming to faith through the evangelist’s witness. 

IRAN — Please be in prayer for an upcoming Persian discipleship conference. Pray for safety for all participants as they travel to and from the conference. These are special times for Iranian Christians to worship and learn about God in person without having to hide from the government. Pray that each person would be encouraged in their faith and equipped to carry on in the midst of persecution. 

KOSOVO — Pray for the people of Kosovo as there is tension at the border between Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo is made up mostly of ethnic Albanians, and was previously a province of Serbia. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in 2008, but Serbia has refused to recognize Kosovo as an independent state. Trucks with Serbian license plates are currently not allowed into Kosovo, and several Kosovan police officers have been arrested inside Serbia. 

ENGLISH — Pray for everyone who writes for the Words of Hope daily devotional. So often we hear stories of how God has spoken directly into someone’s life through a devotional they read on a certain day. We know that God can work directly in ways like this! Pray that he would guide each person as they write, as well as the editors as they refine the work. Pray too that God will prepare the hearts of the readers to hear God’s Word for their lives. 

INDIA — Give thanks that two local Dogri pastors donated 100 SD cards to our Dogri ministry team. The team filled the SD cards with Dogri gospel songs and messages. The pastors will now distribute the cards to believers living in remote areas. These SD cards will make the Bible accessible to people who cannot read. Pray for the pastors as they distribute the SD cards. Pray too that those who receive them would be blessed as they hear the gospel.