Faith Comes Through Hearing

A Bhutanese woman champions the gospel in her home village with the help of audio Bible recordings. 

Following Christ’s Leading

Many years ago, a lady named Choeden followed her husband away from their remote mountain village in Bhutan and traveled to a larger town in search of work. In the town, Choeden met a Christian who attended a house church with one of Words of Hope’s producers. 

Choeden heard the gospel from this friend and was given a small Words of Hope SD card containing audio recordings of Scripture passages and devotional teachings. 

These SD cards are used by Words of Hope in some of our most remote areas of outreach. In some of these locations, Internet access is difficult to come by, and many people do not have smartphones or computers. In some mountainous areas, it is difficult even for radio waves to reach reliably. 

SD cards are tiny and portable, about the size of a fingernail. They can be inserted into any phone that a person has to play the recordings. 

As Choeden listened to the Scripture and teachings on the SD card, she grew in her faith, and both she and her husband became Christians during their time in that town. 

Some years later, Choeden’s husband died, and she decided to return to her hometown in the mountains. The Words of Hope SD card that she carried with her would become her Bible, her church, and her source of encouragement for the path ahead. 

Returning Home

One of the main reasons that Choeden decided to return to her home village was because she wanted to share the gospel with her seven children who were all still living there. At the time, there was not a single believer in her village. 

Choeden, and most of those living in her village, have never been to school and cannot read or write. But Choeden had the recordings on her SD card, and she prayed that she could use the messages to reach the hearts of her children and others. 

At first, she faced fierce opposition as she attempted to share gospel messages. But she stood strong, and continued witnessing to her own children. Six of her seven children eventually committed their lives to Christ, and five of her grandchildren are now believers also. 

But God had more work planned for Choeden to do. 

Good News for All

Choeden’s neighbor had been sick for many years with symptoms resembling epilepsy. No treatments had helped her, and her family had given up hope for relief. Choeden visited her neighbor and spoke to her about the hope of Jesus. 

Choeden said, “Jesus set me free from my sickness and sin, and he will set you free from your sickness and sin, if you believe in him.” 

Miraculously, the woman experienced healing. She believed in Christ and has now been baptized. 

Now, Choeden has opened her home to be a house church for the believers in her village. Every Sunday they meet together in her bamboo house for prayer and worship. None of these new believers can read or write, but they listen together to the Scripture and Bible teachings on Choeden’s SD card.

More Like Choeden

Words of Hope’s Bhutanese producer is very encouraged by Choeden’s story. He explains: “In such remote villages, there is no one who can read and explain the Word of God. But praise be to our God, we have a very good solution to that problem. We can provide access to the Words of Hope programs in audio formats. Oh, how thankful and privileged we are to be serving the spiritual needs of people across the mountains.” 

We are able to maintain contact with Choeden, and now with her grandchildren too, through regular phone calls.

When the producer asked Choeden how she is able to encourage the other believers in her village, Choeden replied: “We live in a very remote place in a faraway village. We have neither teachers nor shepherds to guide us to God’s Word. What we learn is from the SD cards you gave us. We do not have smartphones, but we can listen to the audio teachings. They are so helpful.”

Choeden’s story is a testament to the power of Scripture, in all the ways people encounter it. Everytime an SD card is given out to someone, we know the Spirit begins to work. Whole churches are planted as one by one, people listen to and respond to God’s Word. 

“I believe there are many Choedens in Bhutan who are being discipled through our ministry,” shares Words of Hope’s producer. “These people are in turn witnessing to and discipling many others using Words of Hope’s materials and resources. I feel so privileged and thankful to be a part of what God is doing.”

About the Author

Claudia Elzinga