Glorifying God

Read: Revelation 4:1-11

Worthy are you, our Lord and God . . . (v. 11)

We are now ready for the last phrase of our definition of Christian spiritual formation: “the process of being conformed into the image of Christ, through a relationship of intimacy with God, by the power of the Spirit, in order to live a good and beautiful life of faith, hope, love, joy, and peace—a life that will be a blessing to oneself and to others and will glorify God now and for all eternity.”

We have come full circle from the creation story in Genesis. Out of the dirt God had created, God formed the first man in his own likeness and blew into that man the breath of life. God and man forged an intimate relationship. So after disobedience entered the garden and the man and the woman hid to cover their guilt, God looked for them. The rest of the biblical story details God’s interactions with his people to restore the relationship always intended for us.

Jesus, who is “God with us,” invites us into a vibrant, interactive relationship with him in the kingdom of God on earth. Daily we learn to relinquish control and glorify God with a life led and empowered by the Spirit. One day each of us will pass through the gateway of death and be ushered into the eternal kingdom. Dallas Willard has said that for those on a lifelong spiritual formation journey, the transition from the kingdom on earth to the kingdom eternal may not even be noticeable. What a goal for each of us! —Karen Bables

As you pray, glorify God’s name.

About the Author

Karen Bables

Karen Bables is the retired Spiritual Director of Christ Memorial Church in Holland, Michigan.

This entry is part 13 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spiritual Formation