Opening the Door

Read: Revelation 3:19-22

Behold, I stand at the door and knock. (v. 20)

When I was six, our minister (who looked like God to me) bent down and warmly spoke to me. I felt loved and welcomed at church. At thirteen, the time had come to profess my faith and join my church as a full member. I was part of the church, but as time passed, my comfort level decreased. Church rules, traditions, and prejudices stifled my joy, not to mention my spiritual growth. And then I found my way. I heard Jesus knocking at the door of my heart and I opened it. He came in to have fellowship with me and never left.

I have learned that following Jesus is a journey. My role is to be an apprentice of my Master; being spiritually formed is my task. Spiritual formation is one term for this journey. We are always in the process of being formed—for good or ill. As Christians we need to be intentional about being formed for good.

Dr. James Bryan Smith gives us a helpful definition of spiritual formation, which we will explore in this series: “Christian spiritual formation is the process of being conformed into the image of Christ, through a relationship of intimacy with God, by the power of the Spirit, in order to live a good and beautiful life of faith, hope, love, joy, and peace—a life that will be a blessing to oneself and to others and will glorify God now and for all eternity.” Join me as we look closely at this process in the coming days. —Karen Bables

As you pray, welcome Jesus into your heart.

About the Author

Karen Bables

Karen Bables is the retired Spiritual Director of Christ Memorial Church in Holland, Michigan.

This entry is part 1 of 14 in the series Introduction to Spiritual Formation