Providing for Us

Read: Ephesians 1:3-12

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing. (v. 3)

On the other end of the phoneline was someone deeply hurting, another story of harm caused by the egregious behavior of a church leader. Calls like this were not new to me as director of a ministry of abuse awareness, prevention, and response. Yet I had no idea how to untangle the complicated web of this situation and respond in a helpful way. My answer was incomplete, “I’m so sorry, this happened. Let me think on this, and I’ll be in touch soon.” At that point, emotionally drained, I headed to the basement of the large denominational offices building where there was a small prayer room and prayed a fervent and favorite prayer, “Lord, help!”

God lives in us through the Holy Spirit he’s given. What a wonderful resource! How wonderful to have possession of “every spiritual blessing.” James 1:5 tells us that if we lack wisdom, we should ask God, who gives it generously. We are blessed to have all we need in Christ; we only must believe it’s true.

God is with us! What a comfort when things are beyond our own resources. A specific answer didn’t always come in that small basement prayer room, yet I often sensed God’s presence, granting peace, wisdom, and courage to take the next step, which often seemed to be exactly what was needed. —Bonnie Nicholas

As you pray, give thanks for all that’s been given, and ask for courage and confidence to follow God’s leading.

About the Author

Bonnie Nicholas

Bonnie Nicholas, LMSW, retired in 2020 after serving as Director of Safe Church Ministry in the Christian Reformed Church in North America. She lives with her husband in their home in the woods near Lake Michigan, which she enjoys in every season. Bonnie is a deacon and member of New Hope Community Church in Shelby, Michigan.

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Living Easter Every Day