The Fifth and Sixth Seals

Read: Revelation 6:9-17

And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long over them? (Luke 18:7)

The fifth seal shows the souls of the martyrs under the altar, victims of the red horseman. The way they are revealed under the altar is like a sacrifice, reminding us of temple sacrifices. But the martyrs are safe in God’s presence. God shelters them in the violence. They call out, “O Sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you will judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” They are not vindictive. They know God’s reputation as righteous Judge is at stake. Only corrupt judges let evildoers go free. Dressed in white they wait till the number of believers and martyrs is complete. Their cry of “how long” is echoed by believers facing persecution around the world today too.

The sixth seal reveals cosmic disturbances! John sees meteors, earthquakes, eclipses. Islands drown, mountains move. Rulers, the military, rich, poor and slaves all run to caves! They call on mountains to hide them from God’s wrath. God hates what hurts those he loves. People who are actively or passively hostile to God experience this separation as wrath. God longs to receive them. In that moment, they affirm that no one, and nothing, can stand against God. This vision can be terrifying, but the reminder here, once again, is that God is on our side. You can always turn to him. —Ruth Siemens

As you pray, turn to God and thank him for his faithfulness. Ask for help in trusting his justice.

About the Author

Ruth Siemens

Ruth Siemens was a campus minister with IVCF/IFES, then started Global Opportunities to prepare professionals to work and witness in secular employment abroad.

This entry is part 9 of 30 in the series Revelation