Good or Bad Day?

Read: Ecclesiastes 3:9-15

I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live. (v. 12)

Have you noticed that there are days that make you feel like a loser? You don’t get any favors or any miracles. You try hard and yet you don’t succeed. Your prayers go unanswered. But then there are days you get many things accomplished. Everything goes your way. What makes you great in both situations is not your success, but your sincerity with integrity, and how you respond to the outcome with gratitude and satisfaction.

Our reading today gives good advice for both good days and bad days. Neither a good day nor a bad day will stay for long. Try going through a bad day with the hope that a good day is just around the corner. And while enjoying a good day, try to remain humble because it will not stay forever. Your desire for good days is God-given—a sign of eternity in your heart (v. 11), a desire for the joy of heaven. But meanwhile, we must be happy and satisfied with what we receive—both good and bad days.

Finding joy in all seasons of life through Christ is the true essence of Christian living. Whatever the situation may be, we can choose either to be happy or to be sad, for our lives are simply a gift from God. —Dr. A.K. Lama

As you pray, ask God to help you to be joyful and do good on both good days and bad.

About the Author

SE Asia Ministry Leader

Words of Hope’s South Asia Ministry field leader is based in India and works with more than 70 team members sharing the hope of the gospel in more than 20 languages. Because of security concerns, we have chosen not to share his name.

This entry is part 6 of 8 in the series Be Still and Know