When Delight Is Hard

Read: Psalm 13:1-6

But I have trusted in your steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in your salvation. (v. 5)

About one-third of the psalms in the Bible are psalms of lament, including Psalm 13. Old Testament progressor Rolf Jacobson calls Psalm 13 “a prayer for when the bottom drops out.” These psalms teach us that we can bring our whole selves to God—even the unsavory parts. They show us that we can delight in God even when life is hard.

Psalm 13 begins, “How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever?” (v. 1) When we go through difficulties, we might feel forgotten by God. We might believe the tough times will last forever. The psalm writer felt that, and he told God how he felt. He worshiped God by being honest and by asking God to intervene.

If we think about delight as a happy mood, we might try to rush ourselves out of sadness when life is hard. But, if we think about delight as closeness with God, we begin to see that even our cries for help are a way we can worship God. Psalm 13 ends with praise, but we don’t know how much time passed between verse 1 and verse 5. Perhaps with time, the psalm writer was able to look back and see God was with him in the tough stuff. Whether you are experiencing good things or going through a difficult season, God is able to receive our whole selves—tough stuff and all. —April Fiet

As you pray, worship God by offering him your whole self—tough stuff and all.

About the Author

April Fiet

April Fiet co-pastors First Presbyterian Church in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, and is a published author. She enjoys gardening, feeding her backyard chickens, and learning about new things.

This entry is part 7 of 15 in the series Delight and Our Spiritual Lives