Found by the Shepherd

Read: Matthew 9:35-38

When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. (v. 36)

Samar is a young shepherd living in India. At age 25, he was given a copy of the New Testament. He poured over the book, reading it every day with his family. He was especially surprised that Jesus would offer healing and forgiveness without first requiring sacrifices like the Hindu gods. Samar explains, “It seemed that someone was talking to us. We have read many books but have never seen this type of book. Every time we read it, we felt a wonderful peace and comfort in our hearts. Now my whole family believes in Jesus Christ.”

Our Bible reading today describes Jesus’s compassion for the people he saw. A people harassed and helpless who needed the Good Shepherd to guide them. Jesus then told his disciples to pray for more workers because “the harvest is plentiful” (v. 37). The harvest is still plentiful today, and there still aren’t nearly enough workers to share the good news.

Samar met the Good Shepherd in the pages of the New Testament, and he and his family were discipled in the faith through Words of Hope workers, fellow followers of Jesus who were encouraged and supported by believers like you. If you feel harassed and helpless today, hear the call of the Good Shepherd. He has compassion on you too. Then pray for Christian workers around the world. —Christy Prins & Megan Nollet

As you pray, ask God to send workers. Thank God for the peace and comfort he offers all believers.

About the Author

Megan Nollet

Megan Nollet is the Director of Communications at Words of Hope. She is married to Eric and has two young children. She loves to go on adventures with her family, read good books, and day-dream about her next travel destination.

Christy Prins

Christy Prins is the managing editor of the Words of Hope Daily Devotional. When Christy isn't reading devotional submissions, she's busy working in the garden, reading, and hanging out with her kids.