Addiction Recovery in Uganda

One of the programs that your donations to Words of Hope support is in the country of Uganda. As listeners there responded to radio, YouTube, and TV programming, it became clear to our producers that a large number of those we are trying to reach were struggling with addictions.

So, the ministry team in Uganda pioneered an addiction recovery program. This program is open to anyone battling a life-controlling problem, whether that be addiction to a substance or a behavior. It is called “Living Free.”

Our Director of Ministry in Uganda shares:

“We now have many who have recovered serenity and sobriety. Many who had lost their jobs or marriages are in the process of restoration to jobs and marriages.”

Hallelujah! This program is an example of Christ’s work of undoing sin and sorrow for his children.

And there’s more! Not long ago, the Living Free program was visited by a team from the District Police head office in Uganda. They were curious about the program and wanted to learn more.

After hearing stories of transformed lives and seeing the program in action, the police now have hopes of helping to extend this mission program into some of the ghettos in Uganda. They see very real life transformation happening, and they want to employ the program as a means of helping to prevent crime.

It is your donations that allow the work to continue. Your support can help pull someone out of the despair of addiction and point them toward the hope of Christ. Please consider an end-of-year donation today!

About the Author

Claudia Elzinga