Go Caroling

Read: Psalm 95:1-7

Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! (v. 1)

I have lovely memories of my wife and me bundling up our young children, joining friends from church, and strolling around the neighborhood singing Christmas carols. Homeowners would look out their windows and wave, or stand out on their porch as we serenaded them. It was cold, but somehow that didn’t seem to bother anyone. Later, our little choir would gather at someone’s home for hot chocolate.

In an increasingly secularized American culture, Christmas carols are one of the public expressions of Christian religion that are still readily accepted in most places. I have heard the hymn “Silent Night” played in shopping malls, and public school holiday concerts. Even secular folks seem to enjoy Christmas carols, and I like to think they take to heart what the carols have to say.

Just as that first Christmas was marked by angelic singing, so Christians down through the ages have celebrated Christ’s birth by singing. God willing, we will continue to do so for long years to come, for this is a message that is worth singing about. Today, December 20, is Go Caroling Day. Caroling spreads good cheer, it connects us with friends and neighbors, and it’s a fun way of testifying to the faith we hold dear. “O come, let us sing to the Lord!” —Lou Lotz

Today’s Activity: Gather up friends and family and sing carols together. If you can, go caroling in your neighborhood or in a place that could use some cheer, like a nursing home.

About the Author

Lou Lotz
Lou Lotz

Rev. Lou Lotz is a recently retired Reformed Church pastor. Lou and his wife Mary Jean live in Hudsonville, Michigan.

This entry is part 20 of 26 in the series Waiting with Joy