
The Humble Hospitality of Jesus

Read: John 13:1-17

Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. (v. 1)

We stated at the beginning of this series that hospitality isn’t about entertaining or impressing people; it’s about welcoming others into our homes and lives. Hospitality is a practical way to demonstrate love for others in service to God. As always, our Savior provides the perfect example of both love and humility in serving others when he washes the feet of his disciples.

This event takes place as the disciples gather together with Jesus to observe the Feast of the Passover. Jesus knows his death is imminent; within a few hours he will be arrested, and then sentenced to death by crucifixion. This is one of his last teaching opportunities with his friends, and so, as host of the feast, he takes on a servant’s role and washes the feet of each of his disciples—including Judas, the very one who would betray him later that night. While foot washing was a thoughtful way to serve his guests, Jesus was doing more than just meeting this practical need. He fully expected his followers to imitate his example of loving others and humbling themselves to serve them. “You also should do just as I have done to you,” Jesus said (v. 15).

Jesus also said that a servant is not greater than his master (v. 16). We too are called upon to humble ourselves to serve the people around us. Christian hospitality allows us to do that in so many practical ways. —Laura N. Sweet

As you pray, ask God for the humility to serve others.

About the Author

Laura Sweet

Laura N. Sweet is a wife, mother, grandmother, and former Christian schoolteacher from Midland, Michigan. She writes devotional material for both adults and children, and her work has appeared in more than a dozen publications.

This entry is part 12 of 15 in the series Christian Hospitality