Love and Hospitality

Read: 1 Peter 4:1-11

Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. (v. 9)

As we enter the holiday season, it’s good to note the ways that we as Christians can not only celebrate, but also find ways to bless others. There’s a lot of greed and consumption during this time of the year, but there are also more opportunities to show love and concern for the lonely, the hurting, and those in need. It’s a matter of a change of focus from ourselves to others.

Peter reminds us that this change of focus happens when we become believers. In the past, many of us lived like the rest of the world, indulging in “human passions” (v. 2)—Peter’s list includes “drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry” (v. 3). Our old friends don’t understand why we no longer participate in such things and may even ridicule us when we won’t join in. A Christian’s idea of celebration is so different from the world’s idea!

Instead, believers know our time on earth is short, and we desire to do what is most important: “above all, keep loving one another earnestly” (v. 8). This includes showing hospitality to others, and using our gifts to serve them. If you are hosting Thanksgiving this year, don’t focus solely on the menu; instead, think about ways you can show each guest that they are loved and welcomed. If you are a guest, remember that you represent Jesus to others in the room. Make Thanksgiving an opportunity to “[love] one another earnestly” as you gather with others and give thanks to God. —Laura N. Sweet

As you pray, ask for opportunities to serve others out of love, without grumbling.

About the Author

Laura Sweet
Laura Sweet

Laura N. Sweet is a wife, mother, grandmother, and former Christian school teacher from Midland, Michigan. She writes devotional material for both adults and children, and her work has appeared in more than a dozen publications.

This entry is part 9 of 15 in the series Christian Hospitality