The Hope of Your Story

Read: 1 Peter 3:8-17

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. (v. 15 NIV)

If I’m honest, I didn’t want my baby’s death to be a part of my story. I struggled with feelings of shame, disappointment, failure, and my first serious season of doubt with God. I’ve met many other people who feel that their losses and hardships shouldn’t be in their story. In a culture that celebrates achievements and accolades, it’s no wonder we shy away from the hard chapters of loss in our stories.

However, the hardest chapters of my life have yielded the most fruit in my relationship with Jesus. Being in the valley led me to my Shepherd. Being in the fire led me to refinement. Being hopeless led me to discover deeper hope. And more importantly, when I talk about these trials with others, they each point to the hope of Jesus. The hard chapters of life often become the foundation of your testimony. The apostle Peter knew this and encourages us to be ready to provide the reason whenever someone asks you for the hope that you have. Don’t shy away from sharing about how Jesus has met you in your deepest grief and pains.

We live in a grief-stricken world of miscarriages, loss, illness, and hopelessness; a world hungry for real hope. Be ready to testify about the suffering Savior who became your friend in the garden of grief and led you to that eternal hope. Your story just may be what helps someone else find saving hope in Jesus too. —Rachel Lohman

As you pray, ask for boldness and opportunities to share your story.

About the Author

Rachel Lohman

Rachel Lohman is the mom of two toddlers and founder of Hope Again Collective. She lives outside of Los Angeles where she helps lead a bilingual church, The Bridge Chino, alongside her husband, Mark.

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Finding Jesus in Miscarriage Grief