
Read: Romans 12:14-21

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (v. 21)

There is a great debate in legal and philosophical circles about the nature of justice. The ancients defined justice as giving others their due. Modern theories of justice often talk about fairness and equality.

Micah 6:8 says, “And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” God calls us to be agents of his justice on earth. But doing this requires deep, prayerful humility. Christian justice has no place for vengeance, self-righteousness, or “getting even.” Instead, justice requires us to seek the good of others, even those who have wronged us. And though that may still require us to take legal action against wrong-doing, we are called to do it in a spirit of love and mercy.

For decades, Sister Helen Prejean has counseled both death-row inmates and the families of their victims. In her work, she has accompanied condemned prisoners to their deaths. She does it, she says, so that these human beings can see a loving face at the moment of their death—a reminder of the One who loves them, despite the terrible things they have done.

Christian justice does not mean turning a blind eye to wrong-doing; it means looking at those who have committed injustice with eyes of love—a love that hates the sin, while still loving the sinner. —Jane Olson

As you pray, ask God to teach you to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with God.

About the Author

Jane Olson

Jane Olson is a college counselor and high school teacher. She lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband and children.