Words of Hope organizes discipleship conferences for Iranian Christians multiple times per year. Since it is not safe to openly gather for Christian teaching inside the country of Iran, these converts travel to meet together at a safe location across the border.
There they are able to sing worship songs, celebrate the sacraments, and grow in their faith together.
Words of Hope supporters regularly travel to these conferences as well, to teach and interact with the Iranians. One of Words of Hope’s board members, Michelle Christy, has gotten to attend these conferences, and recently had the opportunity to speak at a school about her experience.

Sioux Center Christian school’s sixth grade classes were in the midst of a unit about the persecuted church. The teacher invited Michelle to come and talk to his classes about what life is like for Iranian Christians.
Michelle eagerly agreed to speak to four separate sixth grade classes. She told stories of Iranian Christians she had met and showed items they had given her from Iran.
Michelle especially highlighted the story of a young Iranian boy who has attended several conferences. “I played a video of him playing his guitar, and that was special to the students because they are similar in age,” says Michelle. “God is raising up this young man to impact the future of the church in Iran. God has plans and purposes for all of us, and he wants to use us no matter where we are. How does God want to use you?” she challenged them.
After hearing the presentation, many students actually asked to stay in from recess so they could continue discussing the stories with Michelle. They also came up with a plan to reach out to the Iranians themselves.
The sixth graders created handmade cards full of Scripture, encouragement, and beautiful pictures. Inside one card reads, “You are loved. You are forgiven. You are chosen. You are not alone.” These cards were distributed to the Iranian conference attendees this summer. Pray that the Iranians who received them will be encouraged by the faith of these children.
About the Author
Claudia Elzinga
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- Claudia Elzinga#molongui-disabled-link