In Their Own Words

Lives are being changed every day in India because people there are gaining access to Scripture in a language they can understand.

Because of your donations and prayers, many are hearing of God’s love for them for the first time.

Their words of gratitude and testimony are so encouraging!

A young man named Param wrote to say: “Your Hindi radio program is really very helpful for all those young people who are living aimlessly. Once my life was directionless, but now I know the real path to life. Through your program I came to know that Jesus Christ is the way to God. He is shaping my life. My faith increases every time I listen to your program. I want to know more about Jesus.”

Param contacted Words of Hope again to say: “Through your video programs on Facebook I get real joy and peace from the Word of God. The world could not give me this peace. Jesus gives me power to face the problems in my daily life and be more than a conqueror.”

Another man named Bansi sent a message after connecting with the Words of Hope team in India on Facebook.

He said: “One day I got the opportunity to watch your video message on Facebook. The message touched my heart, and I really appreciated it. The teaching I got from that program was very helpful for my spiritual life. Now I subscribe to your page, and I get every update for your new messages and songs. Out of my very busy life, I take time to watch your program.”

Thank you for making it possible for these two brothers in Christ to hear about God’s love for them. Please pray for them as they grow in faith.

About the Author

Claudia Elzinga
