Read: Matthew 6:25-34
Look at the birds of the air . . . Are you not much more valuable than they? (v. 26 NIV)
Try to picture the scene as Jesus addressed his listeners on the mountainside. Were birds flying overhead when he spoke these words? Did people look up and notice them, as Jesus advised? He pointed out that birds were worry-free, completely dependent on God, and that we should take note of the heavenly Father’s care for them.
God reveals himself to us in several ways. One is through the written word, the Bible you’ve just read. Another is through nature, his creation, which by his word he spoke into being. If we watch or listen to nature, whether birds or flowers or mountains, we can learn something about the relationship God wants to have with us. Through the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus reminds us that by observing birds, we too can learn how to trust in God’s provision. Look at the way they fly unfettered by the physical things that sometimes consume our time and attention.
In this devotional series, we are going to “fix our eyes” on the many references to birds in Scripture to help us understand more about God, about ourselves, and about how we should live. Wherever you find yourself today, look, listen, and be aware of the birds of the air. Remind yourself that God loves and cares for you even more than he values the birds. —Denise Vredevoogd
As you pray, thank God for his Word and the lessons we can learn from his creatures.
About the Author
Denise Vredevoogd
Denise Vredevoogd is a private piano teacher who lives near Grand Rapids, Michigan.
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