The Midland Miracle

Read: Psalm 71:8-22

O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation. (v. 18)

On May 19, 2020, two separate, long-neglected dam structures buckled under the cumulative weight of heavy rains. Wixom Lake drained within an hour, quickly followed by Sanford Lake, sending water surging downstream. In its wake, it left approximately 2,500 damaged or destroyed homes and businesses, plus lost cars, ruined parks, and broken dreams. In all, a $200 million infrastructure tab was left behind along with thousands of sorrowful hearts. Yet not a single person died.

David had lived through wars while many of his comrades fell by the sword. Psalm 78 records how he remembered God’s faithfulness in each season of life from his youth to old age. Danger still lurked, however. He had recently learned that his own son, Absalom, was plotting a violent betrayal. David might not survive. In recognizing this, he proclaimed the goodness of God and declared that he would continue to share God’s stories, praises, and glory as long as his breath remained.

In Midland, Sanford, and the surrounding communities, 11,000 people evacuated thanks to technology and well-coordinated, skillful assistance from various emergency personnel. In the end, every affected person survived the floodwaters. A miracle or simply wise human intervention? The answer doesn’t matter: praise God anyway! In a catastrophic flood not a single soul was lost, and for this we give thanks and proclaim his name! —Tammy DeRuyter

As you pray, thank him for life, your life, and praise his glorious name!

About the Author

Tammy DeRuyter

Tammy DeRuyter is a former stockbroker turned student of theology and history. She holds master’s degrees in both from Fuller Theological Seminary and Central Michigan University. Married for more than 25 years to Michael, an ordained RCA pastor, they have three emerging, young adult children ages 20, 21, and 22—the youngest of whom was adopted at 11.