Young Leadership in Uganda

Recently, one of our Ugandan language producers received a phone call from a listener who told him that, while she had been born into a Christian family, her father had left them at an early age. When her mother remarried, the new husband was a Muslim who turned the family toward the Islamic faith.

One day, as the girl and her siblings were scanning radio stations to find music to listen to, they happened upon the Words of Hope broadcast in their language of Bari-Kuku. The children enjoyed listening to the program, and began tuning in regularly. The girl called our producer and told him that she was very ready to return to the Christian faith. She stopped attending the mosque, which angered her father at first, but she remained firm in her faith and decisions. Our producer started a Bible study for the girl, which soon grew to include 30 members. The girl is now a member of the worship team and a leader in her local church.

About the Author

Claudia Elzinga